Lesson 1
Starlight 4, p. 82, 83
Ben and Tess are very excited. It is the day of the great egg
hunt. Ben and Tess get ready to look for the golden egg.
“Egg, egg, egg?” Pam and Sam don’t know what it is. They
take out their spypad.
“E, e, e, elephant?”
“No!” says Pam.
“E, e, e, egg?”
“Yes!” says Sam.
Sam and Pam want to look for the golden egg too.
The hunt starts.
“Quick! Let’s go!”
“Let’s run!” shout Ben and Tess. They run to look at the chickens. There are lots of eggs,
but not a golden egg.
Ben and Tess look in the green grass. No golden egg. They look in the sacks of corn.
No golden egg. Ben looks behind the bricks. Tess looks under the sticks. They both look
by the goats.
“Where is the golden egg?” they ask.
Sam and Pam take out their spyscope. They can see eggs under the buckets. “Yes!”
They pick up the golden egg.
“Egg, egg, egg!” they laugh.
The sky is black and it starts to rain. Ben and Tess put up their umbrella and sit under it.
“I’m sad” cries Tess. “We can’t find the egg.”
Sam and Pam hear their spyphone ring. They need to go back to space in their
spaceship. They want the children to have the golden egg. “Egg, egg, egg!” they agree.
Sam and Pam have an idea. They draw on the golden egg and roll it to the children.
“Look, Tess!” says Ben. “The egg’s here! Quick, let’s go!”
Sam and Pam go home in their spaceship. They’ve got the pink egg and the red egg!
“Egg, egg, egg!” they laugh.
Ben and Tess run back to Mum and Dad. “Look, look, we’ve got a golden egg!” Ben
“What a great egg hunt!” everybody agrees.
Lesson 2
Starlight 4, p. 87, 88, 89